X-ray showing hip implant

Arm yourself against joint replacement allergies.

Sensiband is a simple, affordable, and fast way to test for metal allergies before joint replacement surgery.

Voted #1 Orthopedic Innovation of 2024

Sensiband emerged as a Top Company after an exhaustive evaluation by an expert panel of C-level executives, industry thought leaders, and the Med-Tech editorial board

Before it’s put in your body, try it on your wrist.

Before you buy clothes, you try them on. Before you buy a car, you take it for a test drive. Yet we don’t check to make sure there are no adverse reactions to a certain metal before it's permanently implanted.

Step 1

Attach Metal Disc:

Select a metal disc and slide it over the band. Make sure to position the disc in the middle, and downwards so that it is in contact with the skin when worn.

Step 2

Put on wristband and lock the clasp.

Wrap the wristband, with the selected metal disc, around your wrist. Be sure that the Sensiband logo faces outwards and the metal disc fits snug against your skin.

Step 3

Check for allergic skin reaction:

Wear Sensiband for at least 7 consecutive days, or until a reaction develops. Okay to wear during normal activity and exercise. If a metal allergy is present, a reaction known as Contact Dermatitis may appear. This reaction will present as a skin rash under the metal disc.

Step 4

Repeat with new disc:

After testing one metal disc, remove it and select a new one. Repeat Steps 1-3 for each metal to check for all potential allergies. This ensures a thorough and informed decision about your medical procedures.

Be your own advocate

Sensiband empowers people to find out first.


Created and Designed By Surgeons


Find out

before it goes in.

If you notice a reaction from a Sensiband metal, tell your surgeon. They can easily choose a different type of implant to avoid placing metals in your body to which you are allergic.

Actual example after one week using Sensiband

Would you want something that causes this reaction inside your body?

Most People don't know they're allergic until it's too late

A growing problem

Allergies are on the rise. Nobody really knows why.

Here’s the truth: there is still much we don’t understand about allergies. What causes them? Why have they seemingly increased in recent years? Why do different people react in different ways? One thing we do know: many people have shown allergies to various metals. Yet despite that fact, devices containing metal are typically implanted in our bodies during surgery without prior testing for allergic reactions.


“A growing body of evidence suggests…”


What if it isn’t “all in your head”?

Woman with neck pain
Sensiband metal allergy test

Sensiband is the fast and easy way to check for allergies before your procedure.

Find out first with Sensiband.